State of Oregon selects Genasys EVAC to Accelerate Emergency Planning. Read Why!

Genasys Protect & LRAD

Combat Terrorism Quickly and Effectively Alongside All Collaborating Agencies

Seconds count in a terrorism incident, whether it’s a suicide bomber, bomb threat, or active shooter. Schools, churches, malls, and events are hyper-vulnerable, making public safety indispensable. First responders need proven communication tools that are fully operational as they arrive on the scene. Genasys ensures rapid, effective communication, keeping everyone informed and coordinated. Real-time alerts and secure, multi-channel communication enable quick decisions and collaboration, protecting lives and enhancing response efforts during terrorist threats.

From bomb threats to active shooters, adapt to different challenges with quick communication and collaboration.

Suicide Bombers
Active Shooters
Politically Motivated Attacks

Genasys Protect & LRAD to Combat Terrorism

Unpredictable terrorist attacks and threats demand immediate and effective responses. Genasys Protect accelerates decision-making, collaboration, and public outreach to swiftly move people out of harm’s way and enable responders to mitigate damage and threats efficiently. 

Facilitate rapid, collaborative decision-making with a map-based common operating picture visualizing threatened areas and responder deployment. Use real-time secure chat for seamless communication. Flexible zones let responders quickly target specific areas and notify the public. Multiple channels, including SMS, Genasys ACOUSTICS, and IPAWS, ensure life-saving instructions reach everyone. In post-crisis scenarios, Genasys aids swift responses to terrorist attacks, providing real-time updates and targeted alerts to manage the aftermath and keep communities informed. 

Genasys Inc. developed LRADs in response to the tragic attack on the USS Cole in 2000, where the inability to communicate with an approaching boat led to a deadly terrorist incident. This tragic event underscored the need for long-range communication systems to establish threat intent and ensure clear communication with targets not responding to radio calls. Consequently, Genasys Inc. pioneered the LRAD as an effective solution for addressing terrorism threats, providing clear alerts, warnings, and commands over long distances. 

Since then, agencies have used LRADs to combat terrorist threats, active shooters, barricaded subjects, and more.

Use Genasys to keep the public informed and response teams coordinated.

Real-Time Coordination
Set up secure, encrypted communication internally and with other agencies instantly. Distribute vital intelligence, updates, and resource allocations to leaders and officers.

Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs)
Broadcast clear intelligible voice commands and information across long distances that can be heard above loud background noise by barricaded subjects within buildings or vehicles.

Targeted Public Alerts
Engage the public consistently without opt-in requirements using multiple channels, including SMS, social media, and IPAWS, providing location-specific instructions to evacuate, stay put, or avoid certain areas.

Improved Decision-Making
Enhance and accelerate decision-making and operational flow with real-time, map-based situational awareness that’s shared with leadership from all collaborating agencies through a common operating picture.

“It was very good to have the preplanning and pre-scripting ready to plug and play as an option. Also, being able to visualize the zones, impacted areas, evacuation details – it was easy for us to identify locations and push that into to our dispatch center, as well as social media and the public.”
Lt. Nicholas Baldrige,
Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department

Genasys Software and Hardware for Large Events:

CONNECT: Facilitate safe, secure, and compliant internal and external messaging to accelerate response times and coordination with real-time chat. Efficiently communicate across teams, agencies, and departments of any size.

ALERT:  Deliver targeted mass notifications from a centralized communications hub through multiple channels to keep everyone informed. Deliver information and instructions to the public through multiple languages and channels including SMS, social media, acoustic devices, and voice calls.

LRAD: Broadcast live or pre-recorded long-range voice messages in multiple languages that can be clearly heard and understood over loud background noise and within vehicles or buildings. Deescalate tense and potentially violent situations from a safe distance.

EVAC: Use smart zones and a common operating picture with all departments and agencies involved to facilitate decision making, cross-agency collaboration, and public notification leading to accelerated emergency response and evacuation management.

TRAFFIC AI by Ladris: Respond swiftly to threats, manage evacuations, lockdowns, and do not enter areas, helping people avoid dangerous situations with a clear understanding of traffic congestion.

Meet the public where they are, whether or not they register

Genasys Citizen mobile app and website

Zone-based mass notification using IPAWS-WEA

Esri integration

Social media and Email integration

Outdoor, always-connected speakers to broadcast voice communication with specific actionable information