State of Oregon selects Genasys EVAC to Accelerate Emergency Planning. Read Why!

Genasys Protect

Keep People Safe from Wildfires with Genasys

The world’s leading zone-based evacuation management platform reduces the time from incident recognition to community notification by 90% with collaborative decision-making tools and simplified message formation.

Image of Genasys Protect EVAC and its zone-based maps and notifications.

More people are moving into the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)*, weather conditions are becoming more adverse, and the forest fuels have built up to record levels.

Thousands of fire, emergency management, and law enforcement agencies rely on Genasys Protect EVAC (formerly Zonehaven) to enhance preparedness, communication and recovery during wildfires, including the Dixie, CZU Lightning Complex, SCU Lightning Complex, Glass, and Smith River Complex fires.

With Genasys Protect EVAC you can reduce the time it takes to plan and execute evacuations and provide clear communications to partner agencies, the public, and the media.

Make data-driven decisions and communicate quickly to get people out of harm’s way. Protect citizens, visitors, firefighters and first responders.

Accelerate response and communications from the initial attack phase and beyond through accessible situational awareness information and collaboration tools.

Work from a common operating picture to create unified responses across multiple agencies, aligning mutual aid and cross-jurisdictional resources to reduce delays and miscommunication.

Communicate consistently with the public during evacuation, recovery, and repopulation phases. Build trust and reduce stress through actionable information that reaches everyone, including vulnerable populations.

Empower citizens with an intuitive self-service app that shares key information. Improve their decision making and reduce call center overloads from the public seeking information.

EVAC zone-based map displayed on a tablet.

Genasys Protect EVAC

Real time, zone-based planning and evacuation management

EVAC helps you achieve your Primary Mission: get people out of harm’s way and protect life, from wildfires and flooding to hazardous materials and active shooters.

Reduce the time from incident recognition to community notification. Gain an instant snapshot of the crisis you’re dealing with; Keep track of hundreds of zones and what is inside them from population and structure count to traffic congestion and critical infrastructure. Make fast, informed, confident decisions. Have confidence knowing you’ll be ready when it matters with EVAC.

Ken Kehmna, Ret. Chief, Santa Clara County Fire Department

As a first responder and emergency manager, I have lost countless hours of sleep worrying about my own community and wondering if I was doing everything I could to keep them safe. Every fire season I watched as the scale of devastation grew throughout the western United States with each successive wildfire. Every year, wildfire consumed more acreage, destroyed more homes, and took more lives; setting new records for devastation along the way. I came to Genasys, because 40 years ago I dedicated my life to helping others and keeping my community safe. Though I no longer wear the badge, that commitment is unchanged. I believe in the work we are doing, and that Genasys Protect-EVAC is a game changer and a tool that truly makes communities safer.

Ken Kehmna
Ret. Chief, Santa Clara County FD

Genasys Protect enables you to:

Automatically generate smart evacuation zones for easier communication and management of hyperlocal information.

Stay a step ahead during wildfires and enhance planning capabilities through accurate crisis simulation and modeling.

Deploy unified cross-agency responses with a common operating picture and collaboration tools that provide shared situational awareness.

Provide community engagement programs and self-service information portals to increase awareness and engagement.

Communicate with community members and visitors through the Genasys Protect mobile app

Meet the public where they are, whether or not they register

Genasys Protect mobile app and website

Zone-based mass notification using IPAWS-WEA

WAZE integration

Esri and Tablet Command integration

Social media and Email integration

Outdoor, always-connected speakers to broadcast voice communication with specific actionable information

Key Wildfire Safety Solution Partners