State of Oregon selects Genasys EVAC to Accelerate Emergency Planning. Read Why!

When Hurricanes Threaten Public Safety — Trust the Citizen’s Site/Mobile App

By John Abbruzzese, Director of Government Sales, Genasys Inc.

When managing your emergency response during a hurricane or other disaster, actionable information is crucial to the residents, businesses, and visitors in your area. Whether you are evacuating citizens, communicating with other agencies, protecting property, or managing dispatch, complex challenges often arise.  

Does your current emergency communications system allow you to:  

  • Effectively deliver streamlined communications directly to community members allowing them to evacuate safely? 
  • Communicate with residents and visitors traveling through your area who have not opted into the preferred alerting system? 
  • Spare precious resources, e.g., 911, dispatch system, to address inconsistencies or confusing misinformation? 

Advanced Technology Delivers Emergency Information Directly to Your Citizens

Genasys Protect offers a citizen’s site and mobile application that works in tandem with Genasys EVAC, a real-time zone-based emergency evacuation management software. EVAC allows your emergency responders to have a direct line of communication to residents, businesses, or evacuees traveling through your area with zone-defined, pinpoint accuracy. 

With EVAC, your agency can respond quickly, make collaborative decisions, and then use the citizen’s site and mobile application to relay detailed evacuation information using an interactive map to residents so they can stay informed and up to date during emergencies.   

EVAC and the citizen’s app display zone-based information vetted directly by your emergency managers through an intuitive and user-friendly interface that ensures residents can access critical updates providing them with situational awareness. This information includes zone evacuation/warning statuses, road closures, and shelter locations. From there, they can make informed decisions about evacuation warning, instructions, and updates during a crisis such as a hurricane. 

Connect with Real-time Information

Most emergency communication systems available today are limited to mass alerting and cannot monitor the evacuation process on the ground. Mass notification has a tremendous impact during emergencies, but the latest technological advancements go beyond by facilitating decision-making, collaboration, and information sharing. 

Imagine technology that connects the EOC and first responders directly to residents in the affected areas where information can be shared as the situation evolves. Pre-scripted evacuation orders, emergency shelter locations, traffic routes, and road closures can all be communicated through a zone-defined mapping system allowing residents to have instant access to lifesaving information. This empowers the public to act based on reliable information that is also redistributed through news media. Additionally, it reduces the influx of 911 calls and facilitates information delivery for 911 call operators allowing them to focus on people in need. 

Genasys Protect Extends Your Reach with Immediate Impact

Natural disasters are unpredictable! Even when there seems to be ample lead time during a hurricane evacuation, circumstances can change, as occurred during Hurricane Ian when the storm took an abrupt turn toward a highly populated area that had only hours to respond.  

With Genasys EVAC and TRAFFIC AI, your team can create traffic models allowing you to quickly and accurately visualize evacuation times alongside integrated flood maps. This allows you to pinpoint zones and residents that are the most threatened and target your communications and response to high-risk areas of your community. 

Leveraging Genasys’ advanced citizen’s site and mobile application during a hurricane enables you and your team to vastly improve public awareness and preparedness, situational monitoring, resource mobilization, and community engagement. Additionally, by having a common operating picture, neighboring counties can see each other’s activity and information on the same platform, which contributes to more informed and effective EOC operations. 

Enhancing Your Common Operating Picture to Keep Residents Safe!

Contact Genasys to learn more about Genasys Protect, a crisis management platform that provides comprehensive, real-time tools, including EVAC and a citizen’s site and mobile application for first responders and emergency managers during any crisis such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and man-made disasters, as well as CONNECT, a compliant and secure messaging app for fire and law enforcement.   

With Genasys Protect, you and your team can feel confident that you have the premier communications tool to protect and inform your communities when it matters most. 

Contact Genasys to learn more about our emergency communications solutions and how they enhance your hurricane response efforts.