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Improve the Process of Sharing Updates for Changing Police Shifts

First responders keep our communities safe and rely on the exchange of information to operate effectively. So a failure to adequately communicate often means a failure to keep people safe.

Efficient, direct, and secure communication is one of the strongest weapons we have against criminal activity. Shift reporting between emergency response workers is a critical piece for a protected public. Being able to quickly exchange information leads to higher productivity and unity, as well as better organization and managerial ease.

Sample Perp data sheet.

The Challenge of Changing Shifts

Police officers are no strangers to the advantages of effective communication. Unfortunately, they’re also aware of the pitfalls that can happen without getting clear and consistent updates. Traditional shift reporting transpires through email, radio, SMS, or social media chats. However, these traditional shift reports come with high risks for misinformation or even messages that are missed altogether.

Officers are on duty around the clock to protect communities, and accurate shift reporting is critical as one shift ends and another begins. Too often, though, these duty reports are delayed. A lot of us forget to check our email, or we just get there too late. On the other hand, messages can also get lost in the radio chatter. Standard text messaging isn’t any better. Those consumer platforms are susceptible to security breaches. Without the right communications tool, you leave your day shift and night shift vulnerable to increased criminal activity.

With Genasys Protect CONNECT, you have a communication tool that’s fast, like regular texting, but CONNECT has unique features that were specifically created for public safety teams. Hands down, it’s the best way to communicate. 

Switch to CONNECT for Organized Communications

The CONNECT platform helps streamline shift changes with organized chat rooms and easy-to-read updates. Agencies get exclusive chat capabilities that allow officers to check in with each other and communicate between shift reports.

The solution is truly designed for the way you work. When your entire team uses the chat room features, they’ll get instantaneous communication and another edge for fighting crime. Night shifts are kept up-to-date on any and all intel from the day shift, and vice versa.

Not only does this lead to a more unified front against criminal activity, but it also leads to higher productivity on shift. When an officer signs on to his or her shift, they’re no longer wasting precious time catching up on email. Instead, you get all of the critical intelligence in one place, right in the palm of your hand and with your boots on the ground. Officers can scroll back through any chat they’re part of to review whatever they’ve missed. Then they can add their own updates to keep the conversation moving along for the next shift!

CONNECT Makes a Difference

Organized communication and urgent action plans have never been stronger than with CONNECT chat. Suspect information, beat data, and crime info are immediately accessible, whether you are on or off duty. More importantly, emergent details can be instantly pushed to patrol officers as soon as they’re received.

CONNECT is about working smarter, not harder. Sargeants, Lieutenants, and Captains can create chats with necessary participants and actively monitor and engage with all activities. Additionally, they can push out all crime intelligence immediately to those who need it. This means that no one is left out of the loop, and leaders have peace of mind as communication is constant, transparent, and visible.

Plus, entire squads are empowered to keep each other informed and unified against criminal offenders. CONNECT works to share critical intelligence instantaneously. When shift reporting and agency communication are done right, officers are empowered to keep putting their best foot forward.

Communication is a key component of how law enforcement leaders and officers protect themselves while on shift and in the communities they serve. If you’re ready to learn more about the CONNECT platform, please contact us to schedule a demo.