Genasys has partnered with FloodMapp to revolutionize flood safety. Sign up for the kickoff webinar on March 19.



Help find and procure funding and grant opportunities for your Protective Communications investments

Genasys and Lexipol work together to support public safety agencies in securing grants and funding for protective communication solutions. This partnership facilitates access to Genasys solutions that improve emergency management, responder coordination, and public alerting. Reach out today to explore funding options and discover how Genasys and Lexipol can help streamline and strengthen your agency’s communications and operational capabilities.

Secure Funding with Genasys + Lexipol.

How does this partnership help you secure funding?

Genasys and Lexipol work together to identify grant and funding opportunities for public safety agencies, helping them secure investments in Protective Communications solutions. Our Lexipol partners will search through unclaimed grants and funds to help secure money to fuel your projects. Save time and effort from trying to find grants yourself, and avoid having to fill out all of the paperwork, solo.

How does Lexipol work for you?

Lexipol’s GrantFinder is a powerful tool designed to help local governments, tribal nations, and public safety agencies find and secure grant funding. Genasys partners with Lexipol to provide a real-time, online database of federal, state, and private grants, and the support required to identify opportunities and streamline the application process. Law enforcement agencies can use the Lexipol Genasys Grant Assistance Program to get started immediately.

Working with Genasys and Lexipol, we can help with 90% of the application process, making it faster to the the available funds to help your community and lessen the burden on taxpayers.

How do you get started?

Reach out to your Genasys team, and we will connect you with our Lexipol partners to help secure funding and improve your agency’s emergency preparedness with tailored communication and incident management solutions.


About Lexipol

Created in 2003 by two attorneys (and former law enforcement officers), Lexipol was born from a vision of a better,
safer way to run a public safety agency. It was a perfect combination: Bruce Praet’s courtroom experience representing public safety agencies and Gordon Graham’s foundation in risk management principles, including a unique approach to training he created while at the California Highway Patrol.

From that foundation, Lexipol grew to form an entire risk management solution for public safety and local government.
We started by developing comprehensive, continuously updated policies for public safety agencies. Then we added
online training, wellness resources, grant services and an electronic policy management platform, as well as the digital communities Police1, FireRescue1, Corrections1, EMS1 and Gov1.

Today, Lexipol serves more than 2 million public safety and government professionals with a range of informational and technological solutions to meet the challenges facing these dynamic industries.