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Wildfire Simulation and Evacuation Management Training with Genasys Protect EVAC – Be Truly Prepared Before the Fire Starts

Ken Kehmna, Sales Executive and Advisor, Genasys 

Genasys Protect EVAC is a powerful tool that significantly reduces the time from incident recognition to community notification. Out of the box, this user-friendly and intuitive tool improves your decision-making capability and increases the accuracy of your community notification. It changes the game. 

That said, first responders and emergency managers know that efficient and effective emergency response doesn’t just happen. It comes from continuous training and ongoing preparation. We know that time spent developing the required knowledge, skills, and abilities makes a difference. Every day, first responders and emergency managers prepare for their shifts by ensuring the tools and technology they need are ready. This relentless effort to ensure operational readiness is critical to the success of our primary mission of saving lives. 

With Genasys Protect EVAC, you can take your evacuation management training to the next level and  build unconscious competence that comes from knowing your tools and how to get the most out of them when it matters most. 

Before the fire starts, simulate your wildfire response, conduct realistic tabletop exercises, and build the sets and reps you need. Evaluate the effectiveness of your emergency response plans, continuity of operations plans, communications plans, and local mutual aid plans. Use your gap analysis to make critical adjustments before the fire and build relationships with key stakeholders and cooperating agencies.  

  1. Rely on trusted data sources – both historical and current – to simulate wildfire in your community leveraging your own local knowledge of target hazards and high-risk neighborhoods in the WUI. 
  1. Make your training more relevant by using your jurisdiction pre-mapped by community and/or topographic features using our dynamic evacuation map to provide surgical precision for sending zone-based alerts.  
  1. Track the progression of a simulated fire on the evacuation map to see where would likely go and how many people would be affected. 
  1. Simulate wildfires under differing weather conditions and test out what-if scenarios during your exercise. 
  1. Validate mutual aid plans, and multi-agency coordination before the fire begins and the pressure is on.  
  1. Build on what you already know and leverage our team to build intelligent zones segmenting your community in a way that makes sense and increases precision when sending differentiated notifications. 
  1. Customize your message templates in advance to ensure instructions and information are clear. 
  1. Engage with your community and make them partners in wildfire protection by giving them a simple, intuitive, and informative website and mobile app. Be the authoritative source for accurate, relevant, and actionable information. Reduce the workload on your public information office and communications center by sharing updates as they happen. 

Timely decision-making can make a critical difference in your ability to keep your community safe. Genasys Protect’s wildfire simulation and evacuation management training capabilities are unrivaled. We have the only platform that lets you plan and simulate a coordinated response with cooperating agencies to fully stress-test your response plans, reduce decision-making time, and keep your community informed as it happens. 

Check out the comprehensive wildfire response capabilities Genasys Protect offers at  

Genasys Protect: The Protective Communications platform trusted by more than 60 percent of the counties in California and over 100 countries around the world.  

Connect with us to request a demo and see for yourself. 

Genasys EVAC