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From Solo Shoplifters to Organized Crime: How We’re Fighting Back

By Jesse Lama, Sr. Public Safety Consultant, Genasys Inc. & former Patrol Officer

Retail theft isn’t what it used to be. What once consisted of one-off shoplifters snatching a few items here and there has evolved into a complex problem. Today, organized criminal groups have stepped up their game, using new tricks and exploiting legal loopholes. Let’s break down how it all unfolded, why it’s such a challenge for law enforcement, and how CONNECT is changing the game.

The Negative Side Effects of a Well-Intentioned Law 

In 2014, California voters passed Proposition 47, also called the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act. It was designed to reclassify certain nonviolent crimes, including shoplifting, from felonies to misdemeanors if the stolen goods totaled less than $950. On paper, it aimed to ease overcrowded jails, focus resources on serious crimes, and prevent recidivism.

But many in law enforcement witnessed negative unintended side effects firsthand. We quickly saw a spike in retail theft incidents. Why? Reduced penalties lowered the deterrent effect. Organized criminal groups got wise to the system fast, and it became open season for theft.

Loopholes and Organized Crime

Proposition 47 brought unintended consequences. This isn’t just about someone grabbing a pack of gum anymore. We’re talking about well-organized groups committing flash mob theft. These groups are sophisticated and know the law well. They plan hits on retail stores, sending in members one by one or in groups to steal just under $950 worth of merchandise each.

The result? The total haul often goes far above the felony threshold, but because it’s split among multiple individuals, they all stay in misdemeanor territory. The strategy is deliberate. The goal? Maximize profit while minimizing risk of serious consequences. And it doesn’t stop there—masks, wigs, and disguises make identifying these offenders nearly impossible. We often have to rely on their vehicles for any chance of tracking them down.

Scouting and Striking Fast 

Although many amateurs aim to mimic, most of these groups are not. They scout targets beforehand. They know store layouts, camera blind spots, and staff routines. By the time they strike, they’ve planned it out to a T. Their speed and coordination make it tough to respond in time. It’s like fighting an invisible opponent—by the time the call comes in, they’re usually already gone.

As law enforcement, we’re often left playing catch-up. Quick response times and effective collaboration with store security are vital, but we’ve needed a more connected approach for a while. That’s where CONNECT comes into play.

A Coordinated Response 

CONNECT bridges the gap between law enforcement, store security, managers, and even attorneys. Think of it as a real-time collaboration tool designed to speed up every part of the response and investigation process.

When these organized theft groups hit, getting attorneys involved from day one streamlines the legal side. It cuts red tape, giving us more time to focus on catching the suspects. CONNECT also ensures store managers and civilian witnesses can stay informed and play their roles effectively. With everyone working together in real-time, we close gaps and cut down on the time it takes to act.

CONNECT’s greatest strength? It builds collaboration. When we know what store security sees, we’re better prepared to track suspects. When attorneys understand every detail early, cases build faster. When civilians can contribute intel, our situational awareness grows.

Overturning Proposition 47 

Recently, voters approved Proposition 36, which reclassifies most thefts under $950 as felonies once again, addressing some of these past issues. But even with this change, organized crime remains a persistent challenge. Criminals have adapted their methods over the years, and while the stricter penalties may deter some, theft won’t disappear overnight. CONNECT’s value in combating these crimes is as relevant as ever.

Winning the Fight 

Retail theft may have evolved but so have we. With CONNECT, we’re changing the story. We’re taking back control by bridging communication gaps, sharing intel, and acting faster. Criminals may use loopholes, but we’re staying one step ahead, together.

Contact Genasys to learn more about CONNECT or schedule a demo and see how it will enhance your precinct’s effectiveness firsthand.